tHe knotty dAwg said something sarcastic -
andweallknowhowwellsarcasmtravelsonline - Bad Dawg! BAD! No more cookies for
you today  ;-)

All an Re vich

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 7:48 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: suse

> suse
> did i miss something?  why did you think you were being asked to leave?
> i like the idea of being too unruly for academia.  despite being a fairly
shy and calm sort i through the university where i studied into chaos just
by presenting my work.  i found the whole thing rather disconcerting as the
people who were supposed to help and advise me couldn't get their heads
around what i was doing.  then i saw the funny side, and things really took
off!  oh what fun i had...
> interesting though, just how many fluxfolks do in fact teach and how many
of us interested in fluxus also teach
> there there is a link to academia
> a

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