Hi all,

When Alan and I met the other day we took a little bit of footage on our
digital cameras. I've been working on editing this into a short film
ulitilising the kind of cut-up techniques found in the films Anthony Balch
made with Burroughs and Gysin. Anyway this is a first cut. It's a wmv so you
need a recent version of windows media player to view it...(fine for PC
users but Mac people will have to download the player if they don't already
have it installed). When I finish the film I will produce it in a variety of
formats (probably wmv mpg and mov) actually I'm recutting the whole thing
now using a different set of software tools. This first cut was just to see
how some of the footage would hang together and test an analogue synth

The good thing about wmv however is the compression...file size is tiny so
you can even view this on a dial-up connection.

anyway here it is

in retrospect we should have shot more footage but the use of effects etc.
makes it quite interesting.
Film geeks may note the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ending :)



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