dear all, my name is ralph lichtensteiger, i'm a composer/artist from germany. i'm new to this list. maby some of you like to enjoy my musicroom program...
you are invited to send material of any kind to musique trouvé...
ralph li

August 4, 2005


requires :
iTunes · QuickTime Player · RealPlayer
[old versions available]

track list :

The Ion Sessions by Alan Sondheim
The Ion Sessions #1 3:25
The Ion Sessions #2 1:43
The Ion Sessions #3 1:49
The Ion Sessions #4 2:19

Music by Danilo Girardi

Crisi di lamelle meccaniche 7:46
Hairesis 6:09

la mia anima by Gruppo Sinestetico 24:30 [images]

Music by James Drew
Almost Stationary 9:23
Cantolobosolo by 11:25
Jacopos sub-harmonic hymns 10:39

Music by by Jeremy Hight
Signal Leakage 3:40
Untitled Soundscape #1 6:29

Text pieces by Jesse Glass
A crow with scissor wings 0:41
A good cure for wounds 1:04
Go ha ha ha 1:40
He brings the honey 1:13
Heliotrope 0:57
How to recover stolen goods 1:28
In ears of crusted flirt 1:18
In the realm of the mothers 4:12
Skull Seed 1:23
Swallow wort 1:42
They 0:45
To prevent the worst 1:15
Words to be spoken 0:38

Vexations 840 (midi realisation) by John Saylor 23:43

Majlesi (02) by judsoN 3:16

Monolog (no. 1) Lichtensteiger and Koehler 10:38

Music by Lothar Reitz [images]
Birdscape 4:39
Chomu 6:31
Etude 1 12:13
Glass Mountain Dances I 5:10
Glass Mountain Dances II 5:40
Glass Mountain Dances III 7:53
Piano piece 7:16
Yuki Akari 10:20

Music by Ralph Lichtensteiger
Can 1:59
central X 10:53
dérivation exploration no. 1 10:18
dissemination no. VI 10:03
ecriture chiffree I for James Drew 21:21
fLOW Study (July 2005) 9:39
gloria X 9:33
interlude no. 1 (Cage) 1:00 [images]
interlude no. 2 0:25
interlude no. 3 0:27
interlude no. 4 0:58
lieu d'emission (no. 1 for J.D.) 17:47
montage piece (no. 7) 7:21
montage piece no. 3a 3:00
SkyPhase for guitar solo 2:34
Study for guitar and double bass 8:17
Study for trumpet, gong & electronics 4:54
Supplement collage 25:59 [images]

Music by Rod Stasick [images]
FourthDegreeSawagashii 20:34

Music by Thanos Chrysakis
Elixir sonore 5:00
Inscapes 1-2 (cnv 16) 28:09
Klangfarbenmelodien 5:24

Electroderesonators by Zach Layton 6:48

open call | invitation for submissions

all artists, composers, musicians, sound investigators and researchers are welcome to contribute to this musicroom [espace sonorité]. please send your work/files with the AGREEMENT form to the following address [CD-R, DVD-R, Digital Audio Tape (DAT), MiniDisk, mp3, aiff, wav, mov (QuickTime) are welcome. please include your name, title of composition/s, date of origin, instrumentation, musician/s, short statement] :

Ralph Lichtensteiger
musique trouvé
Ludwigshafenerstrasse 36
65929 Frankfurt · Germany


as mp3 via internet :


musique trouvé [espace sonorité] musicroom is a non-profit & uncommercial broadcast station.



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