A while back a couple of you mentioned that you liked Eric Dolphy,
so here's something amazing that you may not have known about:

Between 1953-1959, Dolphy had to play whatever kind of gigs that he could get. One of those gigs consisted of him playing live and on several records with the
well-known vocal group, "The Platters."
Some screen shots from the movie "Rock All Night" can be seen
and you'll notice that Dolphy is in the band and he is playing...
not the flute, alto-sax or bass-clarinet but the BARITONE SAX(!)

If you go here, you can see some frames taken from Roger Corman's
"Rock All Night" film as well as some video excerpts that you'll
probably find fascinating.



Now playing: Don Cherry (w/ Rena Rama) - Race Face

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