Magnetic Memory:
A Day-Long Video Tribute to Nam June Paik

Saturday, February 25, 2006
10 am - 10 pm

Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI)
535 West 22nd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 337-0680

Please join EAI in a celebration of the videotapes of visionary artist Nam
June Paik, who died last month at the age of 73. Over the course of twelve
hours, EAI will screen more than 40 of Paik's extraordinary video works,
which date from 1965 to 2000.

EAI will open its archives to present a treasure trove of Paik's videos.
Works to be screened include his classic television collages, which feature
collaborators such as John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Allen Ginsberg, Joseph
Beuys and Charlotte Moorman. Highlights will include a rare screening of
9/23/69 (1969), Paik's stunning 80-minute opus of electronic synthesis, as
well as his earliest video-film experiments.

Paik's works in performance, electronic music, sculpture and multi-media
installation were groundbreaking and influential. His seminal body of
videotapes helped to radically redefine the role of moving image media in
contemporary art.

Through these remarkable works, Nam June Paik's vision and legacy will
continue to resonate throughout contemporary art and culture.

For a full listing of the titles and screening times, please click here.


Nam June Paik

>From his Fluxus-based performances and altered television sets of the early
1960s, to his video works and multi-media installations of recent decades,
Paik has made an enormous contribution to the history and development of
video as an art form. Exercising radical art-making strategies with
irreverent humor, he reconfigures the language, content and technology of
television. Merging global communications theories with an antic Pop
sensibility, his works explore the juncture of art, media and popular

Nam June Paik was born in 1932 in Seoul, Korea. His works have been the
subject of numerous solo exhibitions, including his first United States
retrospective at the Everson Museum, Syracuse, in 1974, and a 1976
retrospective at the Kolnischer Kunstverein, Cologne. In 1982, the Whitney
Museum of American Art in New York honored him with a comprehensive
retrospective, which traveled to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago,
and in 1988 he was the subject of a retrospective at the Hayward Gallery in
London. Paik has also had one-man shows at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum;
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; and Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, among
many others. The Worlds of Nam June Paik, a major retrospective exhibition
at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, opened in 2000, and
traveled to Bilbao, Spain and Seoul, South Korea. In 2006 ground was broken
on the Nam June Paik Museum in South Korea.

For more information about Nam June Paik, please visit or

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