Good Point.
OK, I just composed a new work.
It is called 3:33.
Sit down at your computer, start a new message to fluxlist (or anywhere you like) In the subject line write "3:33" Place your hands over the keyboard as if about to type a message and wait in silent anticipation a duration of 3:33 (three minutes and thirty three seconds) [let's face it, now-a-days 4:33 is just too long] At the end of the performance write what happened during the duration as you sat there about to type.

cecil touchon copyright 2006
So we can include this one I should think.

Rod Stasick wrote:

On 1427 RabiÊ» I 20, at 1:31 PM, Cecil Touchon wrote:

oh right I remember that! We could include a track of that album. I wonder if we could get sued for copyright infringement? haha.

Don't forget this sordid episode:


Now playing: Tom Snyder - The Tomorrow Show (October 11, 1977)

(often) rodcasting at:

"you won't like all of it"

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