On 2006 Apr 29, at 2:18 AM, Kamen Nedev wrote:

Well, the costs are the costs. Once upon a time, we had these things called public libraries, which were really cool for people who couldn't, you know, buy 20-30 books or records a week. But we kind of forgot about these places. I mean, even our university libraries aren't what they used to be anymore.

Yes, of course: COSTS - that's always the bugaboo...
...but I've spent less time in the library too
because you no longer have to go there to hear their scratchy old LPs
(which have been played to death and ill-cared for - CDs too - for decades). Say you haven't heard "White Bird" from It's A Beautiful Day for many years.
Does you really want to call around to libraries looking for it?

In any case, for works of this size (and historical value), it seems obvious that we need more resources like ubuweb. I don't mean free access, necessarily, but just the availability of material. I mean, you download the "Dial-a-Poem" pieces if you really want to hear them, and, well, if you're really into them, you can go out and try and find an original LP edition, or a CD box set, or whatever.

Yup, and we're getting more resources for that kind of thing now.
If Ubuweb has the complete "Dial-A-Poet" series,
then I can now dump my whole collection online.
There's always someone on eBay, for instance,
who'll want the feel and size of the LP artwork
and'll be willing to pay a pretty price for it.


Now playing: David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes

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