On May 1, 2006, at 7:24 PM, Rod Stasick wrote:

If we really don't have a central repository of all recorded music readily
available to us, then I've long wished for everyone to have their own
personal radio station - which is possible now. Even if you only have
a dial-up connection of Crispin Webb quality, you can still broadcast - well, actually "narrowcast" - right from your desktop and other's can tune in if they share your taste in music...'cause there's always people who have things
that both the listener AND the 'caster don't have and can share.
Whether it's corporate rock or ambient field recordings,
it's always out there coming IN

The concept isn't quite as personal as yours, -- it's a commercial service customizing a feed to your taste, not an individually produced station, -- and some are lacking in variety and depth, but there are a few pretty darn good custom radio stations out there now. Some even allow you to "share" your profile with others.








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