
the list doesn't actually frown on HTML as such, it's just that often it can 
show up as a confusing mess on some systems and, more importantly - the use of 
HTML allows for and seems to encouraged the embedding of images and the like 
into e-mail messages.

When such e-mails are processed by the majordomo software it doesn't see a nice 
photo of animated gif etc. It sees the code, and lots of it.  Fluxlist has an 
email character limit of something like 4000. an ascii file easily surpasses 
that limit and simply gets bounced.

I used to check all the bounced mail but it just got too time consuming.

I certainly don't object to HTML -in some cases. like cecil's piece it makes 
sense to use it - but there's always the risk of the email being bounced.

anyway I hope this cleared up the reasons for the no HTML requests.

cheers, on behalf of DAD


-----Messaggio Originale-----

>but I thought that this list frowned on HTML.

Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

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