let's try again....

alison phoned me the other evening, she's here in venice and asked me to 
perform with here on june 12th - i'm not sure where.  anyway, she's looking for 
others to help, so if you're in venice...

i knew she was coming and that i was supposed to be helping with her show, but 
more than that - it's all a little vague.  more details will follow i'm sure.

anyway, the point of my original post was this:

i'm going to be working with alison over the next few weeks, and emmett 
williams arrives on sunday too.

perhaps we could us this opportunity to ask them a few questions, it's not 
often we get access to fluxfolks.

perhaps i could even get them to write to the list..

i don't know, just an idea.  the last time i spoke to alison she was a bit 
miffed about the fact that everyone wants to know about fluxus and not her 
current work.  it may be a good chance to find out what they are up to nowadays 

i wonder if eric andersen is coming - i'm sure he'll want to say hello to 
fluxlist too.

any ideas?


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