FLUXLIST@scribble.com on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 9:58 AM -0500 wrote:
>I would be very interested in hearing the thoughts of both Alison and Hannah
>about the current status of Fluxus. If they are prepared to address the
>"Dead/Alive/Both" question head-on that would be very interesting, however
>their thoughts in a more general and less polemic format would also be
>welcome. I.E. "What do you think about contemporary Fluxus practice and
>where do you see Fluxus going forward"? 

Ann K mentioned her article in one of the issues of Visible Language in a prior 
post - if you are interested in the above you should really read it for the 
essay covers may important and related issues to the topic of fluxus as an 
concern/approach. It is titled "What has Fluxus Created?" (or did you mention 
this already Ann?)

My own point of view is that there is a historical Fluxus that is what it is 
(not dead, but more set or determined in a way) but there is also fluxus as a 
view and practice that is alive an well. This is another way Fluxus is like Zen 
- both have a
history and an ongoing praqctice that are related but not determined one 
(present, evloving and changing) by the other  (past, more set if not fixed) - 
I had a great conversation with George Brecht a number of years ago about this 
concept and he
agreed that this is a useful way of looking at Fluxus.


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