this is really reminds me of the old hat about what is dada and who is dada. history repeating its dada. why not be a flux ? flux away!

On 19/07/06, Madawg Painterofdark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It baffles me.. why one would feel that they
> need/want/deserve/feel
> in-titled to the fluxus label on their work or
> selves.
> David

Why in the heck not put the label of Fluxus on your
work if you want to. By saying that it's this or that
limits it. The whole point is that it's free (at least
for me). We've got enough art police on the art
history channel. I do a lot of work that isn't
historically accurate fluxus but it still is Fluxus to
me-because I feel that it is in my heart. That makes
it Fluxus! Fluxus is not a thing you can point
to-which is why I resist in calling it an art
movement.It may mean something else to Allison Knowles
or Ken Friedman but they're not here right now are
they? I am here right now and Fluxus is what I say it
is here right now....and I say its

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