dear all,

being a basically useless bugger and one who has recently fled the 

sweltering heat of an italian heatwave (for fear of losing any more melted 

brain matter through the ear) for the predictable cool and drizzly weather 

of NE England only to have further brainmelt ear-leakage induced by a 

heatwave in the UK (YES! REALLY!!) and a useless bugger who would appear to 

have forgotten about the existence of the comma.

anyway can someone send me the details of the 2 episodes of visible language 

edited by owen and ken (owen! you reading this?) and the easy way of getting 

a hold of them.  the visible language site is waaaaaaaay to complimacatedish 

for ths old feller's brain.

best twitches


Oh Odin's Underpants its a B(owman)LOG

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