
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Teresa Bowman
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:30 AM
To: Allan Revich
Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: All Words

Spellchecked: bad badly bum ban body bop bad bar beds bet bud bad bow box body beds bead bib beck bed bee beef beg bah bee be beck bell bam been boo beep be beer bees bet bee bevy bow box bye be bra bib beck bed be buff beg bah biff buff bake bal bum ban boo bop buff bar bus bet buff bevy bow box by buzz bag bib big bad beg big bah big bal bum ban bog bop big bar bags but bug big bow box bogy bags bah bib bah bud be buff bug bah phi bah bal bum bun boo bop chq bur bus but bah bow box buy buzz bias bib bid bye biff big bah bio big bike bill bam bin bio bop bib birr bus bit bio bib bow box bay biz boa bib buck bid be buff big bah big BUJ bike bal bum bin boo bop Baja bur bus but bevy bow box buy buzz boa bib buck bid bake buff big bah bike bake bike bal bum bin boo bop bake bur bus but bevy bow box buy buzz blab blob bloc bald blew bluff big bah blip balk bill balm bin blow blip bal blur bless belt blue bald blew box by blaze bam bomb bum bad be bumf big bah big bum bal bum ban boo bmp bum bar bums but bum bum bow box by bums ban bib banc band bane buff bang bah bin banjo bank bal bum ban bond bop ban bar bans bent bun ban bow box bony bans boa bob bloc body boa buff bog both bio bog book boll boom bon...

Translated into French via mauvais mal mauvais coup de corps d'interdiction mauvais lits de barre parient bourgeon mauvais lits de corps de boîte d'arc perlent boeuf d'abeille de lit de disposition de bavoir mendie abeille de bah est bam de cloche de disposition été hue sonnerie est abeilles de bière parient boîte d'arc de groupe d'abeille est lit de disposition de bavoir de soutien-gorge est polit mendie beigne de bah polit cuire bal mauvaise interdiction hue coup polit pari d'autobus de barre polit boîte d'arc groupe par bavoir sac bourdonnement grand mauvais mendier grand bah grand bal mauvaise marécage d'interdiction cogne grands sacs de barre mais insecte grand bogy de boîte d'arc retient bourgeon de bah de bavoir de bah est polit bal de bah de phi de bah d'insecte mauvais hue autobus de bureau de chq de coup mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de bah offre de bavoir de prejugé beigne grand bah bio grand bio d'huche de bam de facture de vélo morceau autobus birr bavoir coup baie boîte arc bavoir bio boa industrie offre de dollar de bavoir est polit grand bah grand bal de vélo de BUJ mauvaise huche hue autobus de bureau de Baja de coup mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de groupe cuire d'offre de dollar de bavoir de boa polit grand bah vélo cuire bal de vélo mauvaise huche hue coup cuire autobus de bureau mais bourdonnement d'achat de boîte d'arc de groupe jase bloc de chauve soufflé bluff grand spot de bah recule spot de coup huche baume facture ternissure bal bénit ceinture bleue chauve soufflé Boîte par bombe de bam de flamme mauvaise mauvaise est paperasserie grande bah grande mauvaise bal mauvaise interdiction hue bmp mauvaiss clochards de barre mais mauvaise mauvaise boîte d'arc par clochards interdisent fléau de bande de banc de bavoir polit bang bal de banque de banjo d'huche de bah mauvaises interdictions de barre d'interdiction de coup de lien d'interdiction boîte d'arc d'interdiction de courbée boa de corps de bloc de bob de boa d'interdictions osseux polit marécage bon de boom de capsule de livre marécage bio...

Translated back into English: bad poorly bad bodies blow of bad bans read of bar bet bad buds read of can bodies of arch appear bee beef of disposal bed of bib begs bee of bah bam bell of disposal was boos sonnerie is beer bees bet arch can of bee group is read bib disposal of support throat is polishes begs donut ban boos blow polishes buses wager of bar polishes arch can groups by bib bag humming big bad to beg big big bah bad dance ban marsh big cops bar bags but big insect can bogy of arch keeps bud of bib bah of bah is polishes dance of bah of phi of insect bah bad boos office buses of blow chq but of bah offers bib of prejugé donut big bah bio big huche bio of bill bam of bicycle piece buses birr bib blow bay can arch bib bio boa industry offers bib dollar is polishes big big bah bicycle dance of bad BUJ huche boos office buses of blow Baja but purchase humming of arch can of group to cook offer of boa polishes big bah bicycle to cook bicycle dance bad huche boos blow to cook office buses but purchase humming of arch can of group gossips pad of bald blown big bluff spot of bah backs up blow spot huche balm bills ternissure dance blesses blue bald blown belt Can by bomb of flame bad bad bam is big paperasserie big bad bah bad dance ban boos Bar tramps but bad bad arch can by tramps forbid band blight of bib bench polishes bang dance bank of huche banjo of bad bah bar bans of blow ban of ban link arch can of bend ban bodies boa of bobsled pad of boa of bony bans polishes good marsh of capsule boom of book marshes.


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