On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 09:51:45AM -0000, Deon Grobler wrote:
> Hiya all
> OS:  RedHat 6.2/7.1/7.2
> I would like some input from you guys to offer some suggestions on
> commercial/opensource products that will do security updates/product to
> these machines remotely.  I know that we can manually upgrade the boxes,
> use up2date and so forth, but I will be managing multiple boxes, and
> would like to push out updates remotely.
This is exactly what the Red Hat Network is for, once registered you can
either update them locally using up2date, or push the updates from the
network website...  http://rhn.redhat.com/

Jason Kohles                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior System Architect                      (703)786-8036 (cellular)
Red Hat Professional Consulting              (703)456-2940 (office)

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