> Anyone know where I can find step-by-step documentation > on Hardening RH Linux boxes? I usually just use Bastille
Check out Securing and Optimizing Linux by Gerhard Mourani. Availabe at www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/solrhe/Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3/ I do believe this is one of the better books on this topic. The other book that you might want to try is: Maximum Linux Security Cheers Sumit Dhar [http://dhar.homelinux.com/dhar/] Manager [Research and Product Development] SLMsoft.com -- pub 1024D/7AB2D05A 2002-02-24 Sumit Dhar (Sumit Dhar, SLMSoft.com) Key fingerprint = 4A18 D20D 3D15 6C5B CD2F 8E45 B903 0C29 7AB2 D05A