
> 1) I am not running multi-threaded process (process threads).

Not that you know of, but some applications or daemons that you run may be 
multi-threaded without your knowledge, see the next response however.

> 2) While I was running chkrootkit-0.39a:
> Checking `lkm'... You have    54 process hidden for ps command
> 3) Seeing process:
> At /proc : 52 process, too

I agree with the response that noted that it looks like chkrootkit wasn't 
using ps properly.

> 4) There are no new open ports listening.

Did you test that from a different machine using something like nmap? If 
you're relying on netstat, it may have been trojaned.

> 5) And, is this *normal* ?
> [root@localhost /]# lsattr -d /proc/
> lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on /proc/

As others noted, yes.

> 6) Modules are being loaded are usual, nothing that I don't want.

Again, like netstat, if you have a LKM rootkit on your system, it would hide 
itself from lsmod.

> 7) Unfortunately, I don't have access, yet, to a CD like Knoppix. :(

Well then head on over to http://www.knoppix.org/ and start dl'ing -- unless 
your bandwidth or lack of a CD writer prohibits that, in which case that site 
has a list of vendors you can order it from. In the US, you shouldn't have to 
pay more than $10 shipped.

> 8) I probably gonna try the way: boot up the system with a 'clear'
> kernel (no modules).
> Thanks in advance, again...

Good luck!

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