Dear all,

Faculty of Earth Sciences & Mineral Technology - ITB, collaborating with Lab. Of Reservoir Geophysics, Dept. of Geophysical Engineering - ITB and Petroleum Geosciences Study Center (PGSC) - Jakarta, will run a five-day course:


Title of Course  : Advance Seismic Reservoir Characterization Techniques

Date             : 30 August - 03 September 2004

Venue            : Hotel Holiday Inn - Bandung.


Course agenda is enclosed below. For more detail information and course brochure, please email me or contact Fitri Lestari Petroleum Geosciences Study Center (PGSC), Patra Jasa Bldg 20th Floor, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-33, JAKARTA

Phone: 021-52900036

Cell   : 081310706352

Fax    : 021-52900046



Best regards,


Sigit Sukmono

Lab. Of Reservoir Geophysics

Dept. of Geophysical Engineering

Institute of Technology Bandung







Date & Venue

The Advance Seismic Reservoir Characterization Techniques Course will be held at Holiday Inn Hotel - Bandung on 30 August - 03 September 2004.


About the Course

In this Course the participants learn to apply various seismic attributes to solve the stratigraphic problems in field exploration and development. Proper uses of seismic attribute can extract information from seismic data that is otherwise hidden and will enhance the capability of predicting, characterizing and monitoring hydrocarbon reservoirs. The seismic inversion and complex attributes are used for geometry delineation and reservoir properties description, whereas the AVO and 4-D seismic techniques are used for gas/fluid detection and recovery monitoring. The techniques can assist also in better definition of reservoir continuity and flow unit, their physical characteristics and distribution, and to aid the well delineation. Detail Course agenda is given in the opposite page. The Course comprises of approximately 40% theory and 60% workshops, in which 90% of the problem-set packages are  Indonesia cases.


Who Should Attend

Geophysicist, geologist, petroleum/reservoir engineers or managers who desire a strong background on seismic interpretation.


Course Language

Course will be given in English and Bahasa Indonesia (bilingual).





Day-1 (08.00am – 16.30pm )

Fundamentals of seismic stratigraphy and system-tract analysis

Theory on relative sea level changes and seismic sequences, seismic characteristics of  sequence boundaries, seismic facies and depositional sequences, cycle and paracycles in the system stract, interpretation of system tract in seismic section,  system tracts and hydrocarbon play. Problem-sets on the delineation of seismic sequences, depositional facies, system tracts and their hydrocarbon play in conventional seismic sections for the following depositional environments : 1) Fluvio-deltaic, 2) Shallow water (lacustrine and neritic), 3) Turbidite and deep sea, 4) Carbonate platform and reefs


Day-2 (08.00am – 16.30pm )

Complex attributes for advance seismic stratigraphy analysis

Theory on instantaneous complex attributes and their potential uses : reflection strength, instantaneous phase, instantaneous frequency, apparent polarity, response phase, response frequency, perigram, cosine of phase, etc. Problem-sets on the application of complex attribute for : 1) Sequences, system-tracts and depositional facies mapping, 2) Weak reflector mapping, 3) Regional sequence correlation, 4) Thin sand reservoir mapping, 5) Thin source rock mapping, 6) DHI identification


Day-3 (08.00am – 16.30pm )

Amplitude, frequency and time attributes for advance stratigraphy analysis

Theory on post stack amplitude-frequency-time attributes and their uses :  reflection amplitude, composite amplitude, amplitude ratio,  RMS amplitude, envelope-weighted frequency, time-derivative frequency, dip-azimuth, illumination, edge-coherence-variance, etc. Problem-sets on the application for : 1) Stratigraphic analysis and development well delineation, 2) Thin facies mapping in compartmentalized reservoir, 3) Meandering-stream facies mapping and development well delineation, 4) Fluvial facies isopach mapping, 5) Detail fault and stratigraphic mapping in clastic and carbonate environment


Day-4 (08.00am – 16.30pm )

Seismic inversion and AVO for reservoir delineation and gas/fluid detection

Theory on seismic inversion and AVO and their uses : convolutional model, recursive, model-based and sparse-spike inversion, using AI to derive reservoir properties (porosity, lithology, sand/shale ratio, etc), Zoeppritz equation, AVO modeling, AVO classification, AVO cross-plots, AVO attributes. Problem-sets on the application for : 1) Clastics reservoir delineation and description, 2) Carbonate reservoir delineation and description, 3) Well delineation using integrated analysis of AI, geological and engineering data, 4)Estimating AVO anomaly type using well data, 5) Delineating gas sand class I and III using CDP gathers, 6) Delineating gas-sands using P-G crossplot and PxG display, 7) Delineating gas-sands using AVO, AI and complex attributes


Day-5 (08.00am – 11.30am )

Time-Lapse seismic for gas/fluid monitoring

Theory on the uses of time-lapse seismic monitoring, rock physics basis in 4-D seismic analysis, the time-change of reservoir properties and related seismic observable, repeatibility requirements of seismic data. Problem-sets on the :1) Amplitude attributes for mapping by-passed oils and monitoring reservoir production, 2) Time-attributes for monitoring steam-front movements, 3) Interpretation of the seismic changes as a function of pressure and temperature, 4) 4-D seismic monitoring for enhancing thermal recovery

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