Dear Professionals,
IAGI will conduct Pre-Convention Courses, The 33rd IAGI Annual Convention in
Bandung, West java. All professionals, geologist and others who want to know
geological knowledge invited to joint for these courses. It is only for 20
participants. These courses will presented by the expert. Please see this
advertisement below.

Date : November 27 - 29, 2004 (Saturday - Monday)

Overview :
Understanding of proper geological model prior to conduct a comprehensive
reservoir simulation is essential. This crucial factor is frequently over
simplified during up-scaling the model to enable timely reservoir
simulation. Even though this simplifying process seems appropriate, however
heterogeneous nature of the reservoir may not well addressed.
In this course participants will be exposed to the basic geological
reservoir modeling, the environment of deposition that controls primary
reservoir constituents, potential diagenetic processess, know-how of both
well log correlation, seismic interpretation and correlation between
relevant seismic attributes to stratigraphic properties that ties geological
model and reservoir model, the building of 3D geocellular as the fundament
of the reservoir simulation and their population with relevant reservoir
By the end of each session in this course, participants will be guided to do
exercises on steps to build 3D geocellular model based on appropriate
geological understanding, integrate with well data and 3D seismic using real

The Following Subject are covered :
Essentials of depositional environment | Essentials of  diagenetic processes
| Well log representation of typical depositional environment
Introduction seismic interpretation | Seismic Attributes & Reservoir
properties | Exercise
3D Framework Building | Populating Geocellular Model (Cross correlation
seismic attributes  well properties) | Up Scaling | Exercise

Venue : Horizon Hotel, Bandung

Instructors :
Bambang S. Murti, Ir  (Landmark)
Edi Sunardi, Ir, PhD (Unpad)
Rovicky Dwi Putrohari, Ir, Msc (Murphi Oil)

Who Should Attend:
Geologist, Production Geologist, Reservoir Engineer, Geophysicist

Participant : Min 10, Max 20 persons

Cost : Rp. 3.000.000,-
include: course material, meal and certificate

Registration Date line: November 1, 2004 !!


For further information please contact :

Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
Gd. Mineral dan Batubara Lt. 6
Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH, No.10, Jakarta 12870
Phone/fax 021  8370 2848 / 8370 2577

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