Dear colleagues,

In short, I am currently working on a case regarding the nature of the
contracts concluded between the state and companies exploiting natural
resources. This contracts are usually classified as office secret and I want
to prove in court that this type of information is of public interest. The
contract is not even specifically classified through the classification act,
but only some information regarding the gold deposits, but still the state
refuses to provide it as being classified.

What I want to kindly ask you is whether contracts regarding the
exploitation of natural resources are classified or available for the public
according to the legislation in your countries (please provide legal norms
if you know them) and whether you have any relevant case law on the subject?

This would really help support my case in court!

Thank you very much!

All the best,

Andra Bucur
Legal advisor
Soros Foundation Romania
33 Caderea Bastiliei
District 1, Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 212 1032
Fax: +40 21 212 10 32

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