Dear Friends: we are seeking signatures of an open letter on transparency of
lobbying in France. 


Context: The French government is currently considering a law on
transparency of lobbying which is not yet strong enough, and which is
overseen by body which does not have sufficient powers. A key demand is to
have a mandatory register of lobbyists, the same thing we are calling for at
the EU level and in other countries.  


Deadline: as soon as possible. Please send signatures to me
( and to my colleague Elena Arrontes

You can also add your signatures directly here: 


Thanks in advance / merci d’avance, 





French Transparency Law: it’s time to regulate lobbying


Paris, 17 June 2013 - The undersigned individuals, associations, and
journalists, call on the French government and parliament to take the
necessary steps to guarantee greater transparency of lobbying activities.


France has been rocked by a series of corruption and lobbying scandals
recently which have lead to calls for tighter regulation of lobbying. The
scandals include the “affaire Cahuzac” in which former Budget Minister
Jérôme Cahuzac has been charged with tax fraud over a secret bank account
[1], revelations about how French pharmaceutical company Servier conducted
lobbying over a weight loss drug alleged to have caused as many as 2,000
deaths [2], and exposures of close links between members of the
“Parliamentarians Havana Cigar Fan Club” and lobbyists from the British
American Tobacco company [3].  


The Laws Commission of the French Parliament (Assemblée nationale) has
delegated the task of “defining the guidelines for relations with interest
groups” to the future “High Authority for Transparency”. This is a first
step, but the government and parliament should now seize this chance to
require lobbying transparency and respect for ethical rules.


French decision makers seem to share this position: in a recent poll by
TNS-Sofres [4], the majority of decision makers surveyed believed that
private sector lobbying is not sufficiently transparent and supported the
creation of a mandatory register of lobbyists.


We call for the High Authority for Transparency to be charged with:  

- Developing a Code of Conduct which applies to all persons trying to
influence public decision making;

- Publishing a register in which all lobbyists will be required to register
and to declare annually their activities and expenditures.


It requires a simple amendment, inspired by the provisions adopted in Quebec
[5], which civil society has proposed to parliamentarians [6], to achieve
these objectives. We call on the parliament to take action and to endow the
High Authority for Transparency with these powers.


In the development of public decisions, all members of society should have
their views taken into account on an equal basis. To ensure that this
happens, the interaction between elected representatives and interest groups
should be carried out in an ethical and transparent manner. It is high time
that France imposes these requirements on lobby groups.


Signatures to date: 

Access Info Europe 

Friends of the Earth, France 


L'Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs (AITEC) 

Corporate Europe Observatory

Club JADE  


Irène Frachon 

Sylvie Gilman 

Stéphane Horel 

Pierre Meneton 

Annick Redolfi 

Regards Citoyens 





Helen Darbishire, Executive Director

Access Info Europe,  <> 

mobile tel: + 34 667 685 319

Skype: helen_darbishire

Twitter: @Access_Info, @helen_access

Have you asked the EU yet?  <> 


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