Dear Sandy and all,


Excellent news, congratulations!

We will also spread the news in Bulgaria in an article being prepared for
the next AIP newsletter this month. We do started translation of the Global
principles in Bulgarian as well.


Best wishes,






Alexander Kashumov, attorney-at-law
Head of Legal Team
Access to Information Programme
76 Vassil Levski Blvd. Apt.3
1142 Sofia, Bulgaria
+ 3592 9885062; 9867709


[] On Behalf Of Sandra Coliver
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 7:50 PM
To: 'FOI Advocates'
Subject: [foianet] Committee of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe
unanimously endorses the Tshwane Principles - congrats to all!


Dear Colleagues:

We are thrilled to report that today the Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a
resolution (link below) that invites the Committee of Ministers to:

1.              examine ways and means to promote the entry into force and
speedy implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Access to
Official Documents (CETS No. 205) ;

2.              review the Council of Europe’s own policies regarding access
to information and classification and declassification of documents in light
of the Assembly’s resolution ; and 

3.              encourage member states of the Council of Europe to take
into account the “Global Principles on National Security and the Right to
Information, in particular, concerning the points highlighted in this
resolution, in modernising their legislation and practice. 

Here’s the Council of Europe’s press release, just posted:
> &L=2


It contains a link to the report as adopted (provisional version):


Short interview (in Spanish) by the rapporteur, Spanish MP Mr Diaz Tejera:


The Legal Affairs Committee and Sen. Diaz Tejera, the resolution’s author,
are to be commended for taking this bold and timely step to set forth clear
guidelines to help states ensure, in their laws and practices, an
appropriate balance between the public interests in national security and
the right to information. 


Congrats to all who participated in drafting the Principles! This is quite a
step and we hope that many of you will be able to use this endorsement to
move forward attention to the Princs.


One of the highlights of the resolution is para 8.7, based on Tshwane
Principles 40, 43 and 46, which asserts that “A person, who discloses
wrongdoings in the public interest (whistle-blower) should be protected from
any type of retaliation, provided he or she acted in good faith and followed
applicable procedures.”


Para. 8.5 of the resolution, reflecting Tshwane Principles 3 and 10, states
that “Access to information should be granted where public interest in the
information in question outweighs the authorities’ interest in keeping it
secret, including when such information “would make an important
contribution to an on-going public debate.” 

Sen. Díaz Tejera, commenting on the Wikileaks revelations, said: “One lesson
learnt from this massive leak is in fact that the publication even of
relatively sensitive information is nowhere near as damaging as had
previously been assumed. I therefore consider the extreme severity with
which the US authorities are treating Mr Manning, the young soldier who
seems to be the ‘source’ of these leaks, as most inappropriate.”

The resolution will be considered by the full PACE at its plenary meeting
beginning 30 September.


The PACE is comprised of 636 members of the parliaments of the 47 member
states of the Council of Europe, with the largest countries – France,
Germany, Italy, Russia and the UK – each having 18 members and 18
alternates, and the smallest countries having at least two members and two
alternatives each. 


A summary of the Tshwane Principles, with a link to the full Principles, is
posted here:


A blog about the relevance of the Principles to whistleblowers and, in
particular, to Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning, may be found here:


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