Amendments to the legislation on Personal Data Protection in Ukraine made the procedures more transparent.

July 23, 2013 the President of Ukraine signed the Law on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning improvement of personal data protection.

One of the most important changes in the legislation is rejecting of entities authorized state body on Protection of Personal Data and transmission control functions to the Ombudsman. The system of registration of personal databases is also eliminated and replaced to the Ombudsman report on the processing of sensitive personal data.

The changes extended the rights of the subject of personal data and related obligations of the holder. The subject shall have the right, inter alia: To be aware of the sources of personal data collection; the location of their personal data; the purpose of processing; the location or place of residence or the holder of a personal data; and to receive no later than thirty calendar days of receipt of the request, the response of whether it handled personal data, and get the content of such personal data;

To raise a complaint to the processing of personal data to the Ombudsman or the court.

The new regulations made provision for the state authorities responsible for the data protection issues. The list of such officials will be available on the Ombudsman web-site.

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