A newsletter containing news, views, articles, investigative stories in 
the field of
      Right to Information


      Around the World
      Issue No: 73
     E - Alert
     Issue Date: 06-08-2013



      Greetings from Center for Peace and Development Initiatives, (CPDI).

      Interesting RTI related developments are taking place in Pakistan and 
India, the two South Asian neighboring countries. In Pakistan, KP province is 
on the verge of having RTI law for the first time in country’s history. In this 
connection, PTI, the ruling party is going to unveil its transparency program 
on 18th of August in the provincial capital. CPDI has been invited to deliver 
speech on the proposed KP RTI law. There are two laws under consideration of 
the government according to our inside sources. The one is based on CPDI model 
RTI law and the other one WB sponsored RTI law drafted by friend Toby Mendal. 
We shared our law with but KP bureaucracy tried to water it down. Our media 
campaign paid off and amendments were introduced in the law. So far, we have 
not seen the amended version but the moment we see it, we will be giving 
feedback to KP government. It will be interesting to see which law is adopted 
by KP government. According to inside sources, Toby drafted law stands better 
chance. The cloak of secrecy surrounding the whole process is simply amazing.  

      In the neighboring India, the government is trying to take political 
parties out of the ambit of India RTI law and cabinet has approved an amendment 
in this regard. Civil society activists are trying to get this amendment 
reversed. It is heartening to see that civil society is so active in India that 
protest rallies are being conducted all across India against the decision of 
the government. We will keep you posted about the developments in both the 

      Happy reading

      Right to Information and Transparency Program


      How academics can use Freedom of Information requests 

      Vancouver Sun (blog) 

      There's an interesting new book out by Kwantlen criminology instructor 
Mike Larsen on how academics can use Freedom of Information and Access to ...

      Cross-border learning: Public interest fundamental in democracy ... 

      The Express Tribune 

      Habibullah was of the view that right to information was an integral part 
of any flourishing democracy. He explained how to develop the means and 
capacity for ...

      Majority of imprisoned LGBTs kept in 'solitary confinement' 

      Hurriyet Daily News 

      The ministry's answers, provided within the framework of the “right to 
information,” further indicated that providing a "health report" to prove 
sexual orientation ...

      Amended draft Right to Information to be tabled in KP assembly 

      Pakistan Observer 

      Monday, July 29, 2013 – Peshawar spokesman of the Government of Khyber 
Pakhtunkhwa has disclosed that the draft Right to Information (RTI) law which 
was ...

      Leading activists call for countrywide public action against ... 


      The National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) led by 
Aruna Roy, Bharat Dogra, Shekhar Singh, Shailesh Gandhi and Harsh Mander Roy 
has ...

      Army of RTI kid activists is coming up 

      Hindustan Times 

      Two days after they were made aware of the power of the right to 
information (RTI) Act, students of St Francis College have filed over 1000 
applications seeking ...

      Activists petition PM against amending RTI 

      Deccan Herald 

      Aruna Roy-led National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI 
) on Tuesday launched an online campaign against plans to amend RTI Act to ...

      Top Civil Servant Calls for Review of FOI Act 


      The Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Bukar Aji, on Tuesday 
recommended the review of the Freedom of Information ACT (FOI), 2011. Mr. Aji 
made the call ...

      Govt. moves to keep parties outside RTI

      Are Australia's privacy and information laws in need of reform? 

      ZDNet (blog) 

      The review is also assessing the state's right to information laws, 
examining whether government owned corporations and private and community 
contracted ...

      Govt bid to shield parties from RTI spawns stirs 

      Hindustan Times 

      Widespread protests have started across India against the Centre's move 
to introduce amendments to the Right to Information Act to exempt political 
parties from ...

      Zahid Abdullah  -  Programme Manager

      Transparency and Right to Information Program
      Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives, Pakistan (CPDI-Pakistan)
      Tel: 051-2101594; 4319430; 2108287
      URL: www.cpdi-pakistan.org


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