
I am wondering what work is being done/planned for targeting FPGA platforms.

We have lots of desires in this direction, but no concrete plans.

Several people in our group are interested in FPGAs and own small experimenter's boards. We keep an eye on developments (notably the BEE3) and spend some time tinkering with our smaller boards, but lack expertise and manpower to do anything serious. If we did have expertise and resources we'd probably be looking at new hardware architectures that are optimised for the structures at the lowest level of our software architecture and at targeting FPGAs the same way we target off-the-shelf CPUs.

Alan once said that hardware is just software crystalised early (or something similar) and I think that echoes the instincts of many people in this group.

My interests overlap with this field, and I would like to contribute towards such an effort.

I'd love to see somebody figure out how to dynamically generate bit files from an intermediate representation (Jolt ASTs, for example) to allow reprogramming of the hardware on the fly. (My memory is terrible but I think Hans-Martin Mosner was interested in this and maybe even making headway.) It would be a lot of fun to use this to make self-modifying hardware. Chuck Thacker has designed a very simple CPU (three pages of verilog) that could be a 'traditional' target CPU for our ASTs, letting us bring up the dynamic netlist generation and hence a fully self-modifying environment on FPGA. Again, we lack expertise in this area and don't really even know how feasible it is for these devices to address their own LUTs and reprogram themselves selectively on the fly.

I have experience with quite a few "non traditional" HDLs, and would like to help OMeta to grow into the first "meta" design language.

We would love to see this happen too, and can offer encouragement and consultation as and when you need them.


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