
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Alejandro F. Reimondo
<alereimo...@smalltalking.net> wrote:
> Complexity is not measurable in the objects (nor figures),
> because it emerges from information process.
Some would disagree and argue for using Kolmogorov Complexity (or some
approximation) to measure complexity of things. But you can get some
support in the concept of "Effective Complexity" from Gell-Mann and
Lloyd which first says:

"In nontechnical language, we can define the effective complexity (EC)
of an entity as the length of a highly compressed description of its

IMHO, EC is particularly interesting for Software Engineers/Developers
since G-M&L make a "...distinction between regularities and those
features that are treated as random or incidental" which is similar to
Fred Brooks analysis of software in the "Silver bullet" paper
(inherent and accidental complexity).

G-M&L then goes on to say:

"Like some other concepts sometimes identified with complexity, the EC
of an entity is context-dependent, even subjective to a considerable
extent. It depends on the coarse graining (level of detail) at which
the entity is described, the language used to describe it, the
previous knowledge and understanding that are assumed, and, of course,
the nature of the distinction made between regularity and randomness."

which i interpret as the effective complexity corresponding, in some
sense, to the "mental"/computing energy an entity would need to expend
to consider all the aspects of a thing/system it considers important
after disconsidering the parts which it consider irrelevant.

Best regards,

/Robert Feldt
Tech. Dr. (PhD), Assoc. Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Software Engineering
Chalmers, Software Engineering and Technology
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Software Engineering Research Lab
robert.feldt (a) chalmers.se     or     robert.feldt (a) gmail.com

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