Congratulations Juan! The pictures on the site look great on my LCD screen!


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Juan Vuletich <> wrote:

> Tom Lieber wrote:
>> Does even that page describe what's being done? The closest I can find
>> is in these two sentences:
>> "It is done by modeling all the objects to be drawn as continuous
>> functions that specify color at each (x, y) point. This functions are
>> properly filtered and sampled at the actual position of the pixel
>> color elements (sub pixels)."
> Not in full detail. This is the result of 3 years of unpaid work, and even
> if I want it all to be eventually in the public domain / MIT license (as
> appropriate), first I need:
> 1) Publish it with proper author attribution. It might be in a good
> magazine, or it might be as a Ph.D. thesis. Both require the work to be
> unpublished before.
> 2) Secure it in the public domain, so "bad guys" can't patent it.
> 3) Make some money, to be able to keep working on interesting stuff. This
> could be done by selling consulting services to someone interested in my
> work, provided they don't want to restrict what I can do with it later.
> When I have these worked out (and I welcome help and suggestions from you
> guys!), I'll be able to make it all available without restrictions.
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich
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