I can't help wondering whether or not it was any easier to keep a system 
running when systems were big enough to climb inside of. When my tablet bricks 
and refuses to take a flash, I can open the machine (I mean I can break it 
open) but the part that computes and remembers is all one piece now. 

I enjoyed swapping parts out of desktop machines, looking for defective 
components. It was like a meditation. Of course I would have to power them down 
first, and I can only imagine this has been generally true for all electronic 

I used to take a pair of broken computers, and use the best (working) parts 
from both to make a computer that would often be better overall than either 
machine was when they still worked. I liked doing this, and so people started 
bringing me a lot of old broken computers. Usually whenever I built a new one, 
I would give the old one away, and this motivated people, as it happened, to 
keep bringing me their junk, so I could be perpetually looking for a better 
machine. I hadn't ever looked for a biological metaphor in what I was doing 
with those obsolete junkers, but I think I can see one now.

This is a great thread.

On Jun 25, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Steve Wart <st...@wart.ca> wrote:

> I've been thinking about eternal computing not so much in the context
> of software, but more from a cultural level.
> Software ultimately runs on some underlying physical computing
> machine, and physical machines are always changing. If you want a
> program to run for a long time, the software needs to be flexible
> enough to move from host to host without losing its state. That's more
> of a requirements statement than an insight, and it's not a
> particularly steep hurdle (given some expectation of "down time"), so
> I'll leave it at that for now.
> I recently stumbled across the work of Quinlan Terry, whom I had never
> heard of until I did a search for an inscription in a print that
> caught my eye. I found this essay helps capture what makes him
> different from most people designing buildings today:
> http://www.qftarchitects.com/essays/sevenmisunderstandings.php
> I don't make any claims that these observations have anything do with
> software, except in a more general sense of the cultural values that
> influence design. I suppose the pitfalls of trivializing something
> because it seems familiar applies to software as well as any other
> design discipline.
> We have an engineering culture that pursues change at an ever
> increasing rate. The loss of eternal values in physical architecture
> is sad indeed, especially in the context of urban sprawl and the now
> rampant deterioration of buildings that were built a generation ago,
> to last only a single generation. The ongoing global financial mess is
> arguably a result of short-term thinking.
> Economics matters. One of the intriguing facets of computing is the
> incredible amount of money the industry generates and consumes. And
> nowhere is short-term thinking more generously rewarded than in the
> continual churn of new computing devices and software. Personally I
> find it overwhelming and I have been trying to keep up for 30 years.
> Clearly it's not slowing down.
> I think there's a good reason for the ever-increasing rate of change
> in computer technology, and that it is the nature of computation
> itself.
> Seth Lloyd has a very interesting perspective on revolutions in
> information processing:
> http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/lloyd06/lloyd06_index.html
> If you consider that life itself is computational in nature (not a big
> leap given what we know about DNA), it's instructive to think about
> the amount of energy most organisms expend on the activities
> surrounding sexual reproduction. As our abilities to perform
> artificial computations increase, it seems that more and more of our
> economic life will be driven by computing activities. Computation is
> an essential part of what we are.
> In this context, I wonder what to make of the 10,000 year clock:
> http://www.10000yearclock.net/learnmore.html
> First, I'm skeptical that something made of metal will last 10,000
> years. But suppose it would be possible to build a clock that lasts
> that long. If in a fraction of a second I have a device that can
> execute billions of instructions, what advantage does stone-age (or
> iron-age) technology offer beyond longevity?
> I think the key advantage is that no computation takes place in
> isolation. Every time you calculate a result, the contextual
> assumptions that held at the start of that calculation have changed.
> Other computations by other devices may have obviated your result or
> provided you with new inputs that can allow you to continue
> processing. Which means running for a long time is no longer a simple
> matter of saving your state and jumping to a new host, since all the
> other hosts that you are interacting with have made assumptions about
> you too. It starts to look like a model of life, where the best way to
> free up resources is to allow obsolete hosts to die, so that new
> generations can continue once they've learned everything their parents
> can teach them.
> So instead of a model of computation based around industrial metaphors
> from the 19th century (with "registers" and "stores") we need to
> recognize that computer science is more than an engineering
> discipline. That should be apparent by now, given the extent to which
> almost all human endeavors now depend on computers, but there's
> something more important.
> We often see people lamenting the fact that software development isn't
> more like engineering, where there are blueprints and top-down design
> processes that can produce predictable results with realistic cost
> estimates. Instead, we should understand that software is different
> because it is fundamental. Software serves industry, but at the same
> time, it has a profound impact on the way our social organizations are
> constructed. Over time, the computational abilities of organizations
> will move to where we can lead them with software. The challenge is to
> build upon new metaphors that are not unduly constrained by the
> assumptions of the past.
> Cheers,
> Steve
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