On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 03:43:04AM -0700, BGB wrote:
>    On 8/4/2011 6:19 PM, Alan Kay wrote:
>      Here's the link to the paper
>      [1]http://www.vpri.org/pdf/rn2005001_learning.pdf
>    inference:
>    it is not that basic math and physics are fundamentally so difficult to
>    understand...
>    but that many classes portray them as such a confusing and incoherent mess
>    of notation and gobbledygook that no one can really make sense of it...
>    old stale/dead rant follows:
>    it is like, one year, with the help of a physics book,
>    google+wikipedia+mathworld, and good old trial and error, I proceed to
>    write a (basically functional, but not particularly "good") rigid body
>    physics engine.
>    several years later, I took a physics class, with a teacher that comes off
>    like Q (calling everyone stupid, comparing the students with dogs, ...)
>    and writes out esoteric mathematical gobbledygook beyond my abilities to
>    make much sense of (filled with set-notation and other unrecognized
>    symbols and notations, some in common with first-order logic, like the
>    inverted A and backwards E, ..., and others unknown...).
>    granted, I have also seen in introductory programming classes just how
>    poorly many of the students seem to grasp some of the basics of
>    programming (struggling with things like variable declarations, loops,
>    understanding why never-called functions fail to do anything, ...), so I
>    guess ultimately it is kind of similar (in an almost sad way, programming
>    really doesn't seem like it should be all that difficult from the POV of
>    someone with a fair amount of experience with it).
>    but, at the same time, there would also be nothing good to be gained by
>    belittling or being condescending towards newbies...
Well I faced oposite problem that for classes people unnecesarily
complicate things by trying to make it accessible for newbies.
One of my experiences that high school physics could be three times
easier and simpler if students learned differential equations.


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