On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 2:05 AM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:

> if clients use their own avatars (which are bounced along using the
> webserver to distribute them to anyone who sees them), and a persons' avatar
> is derived from copyrighted material, there is always a risk that some
> jerkface lawyers may try to sue the person running the server, or the author
> of the VR software, with copyright infringement (unless of course one uses
> the usual sets of legal disclaimers and "terms of use" agreements and
> similar).

I can think of two more problems. First, there will undoubtedly be avatars
shaped like giant billboards, dicks, and other objectionable material.
Unlike signatures on bulletin boards, this will be a lot harder to police
since avatars move around.

Second, we probably want the ability to stylize avatars as they move between
worlds. For example, some worlds may prefer a cell-shaded art style. When I
was pursuing this back in 2003-4, I was looking into possibilities such as
CSS for 3D - not just for avatars, but for the world itself, so that people
could support proper world mashups.

My ideas there were more along the lines of providing a sort of 'DNA' for
the avatars and 3D worlds, describing them in a common ontology, with
variations from a norm (male, female; height, body-shape; crooked-nose, snub
nose; etc.) and sometimes tweaks or non-standard extensions per world. This
would allow developers of the world to prevent 'literal' dicks from entering
their world. It would also allow people to become non-humans (e.g. werewolf,
vampire, or orc, ... or dick) when they enter certain worlds... i.e. to take
on various roles in common games.

> games is a major application area for 3D, but the more open-ended world
> that is non-game systems is a much bigger problems, and the relative merits
> of 3D are much less obvious.

Yeah, 3D tends to be rather sparse of informational content. Today, I'm
interested in possibility of augmented reality... e.g. look through your
Tablet's video camera, and see a mixed camera/3D rendering of the scene.

A few pictures of a printer in context, along with meta-data about location
and network address, and we might be able to drag and drop documents onto a
'visible' printer in a 3D space.

There are a lot more privacy issues, of course, with augmented reality -
i.e. keeping people out of our homes and businesses unless they belong
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