On 8/23/2011 9:54 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
I usually just leave off commenting, but I personally don't think this is 
appropriate for this list.

fair enough, mostly just trying to find where the lines of appropriateness are...
sorry for any inconvenience.

so, I guess what I have determined so far:
programming languages are ok;
hardware is sometimes ok (provided it does not run x86 or ARM, like alternative HW only);
physics and biology are ok;
FOSS game engines are not ok (unless the topic is voxels or metaverse or similar? like a few weeks ago);
internet is maybe ok (browsers/... seem ok);


well, maybe the pattern will be understood eventually?...

maybe some sort of description of what is and is not ok would make sense, like a description of the bounds of appropriateness or what constitutes a valid topic or similar?...

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links: errm... these don't make sense, I am not sure I get the intention here.

the first 2 links seem to just contain assorted comments with little apparent relation between them.

On 24/08/2011, at 2:38 PM, BGB<cr88...@gmail.com>  wrote:

sorry, I don't know if anyone here will find any of this interesting.

removed, as apparently it was not interesting.

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