On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:53:24AM -0700, BGB wrote:

> from what I read, IBM was using a digital crossbar.

It sounds like Kwabena Boahen (Carver Mead's school) is 
on the right track

the group seems to be still publishing

>>> I suspect something more "generic" would be needed.
>> I don't see how generic will do long-term any than for bootstrap
>> (above co-evolution) reasons.
> more generic is more likely to be able to do something interesting.

More generic hardware (not optimized for a particular model)
also means it's less efficient. On the other hand, we don't
have a particular model to optimize for, so right now generic
is the way to go.

> ARM or similar could work (as could a large number of 386-like cores).
> I had considered something like GPGPU, but depending on the type of  
> neural-net, there could be issues with mapping it efficiently to  
> existing GPUs.

You could wire it up in a 3d grid, with offsets to mostly
local other grid sites and stream through memory. Refresh
rate could be 10 Hz or more, depending on how complex the
model, and how much random-access like memory accesses
you're producing.

> also, the strong-areas for GPUs are not necessarily the same as the  
> requirements for implementing neural nets. again, it could work, but it  

If you can do plenty of parallel ops on short integers (8-16 bit)
then it seems to match well, provided you can feed the shaders.
Mapping things to memory is tricky, as otherwise you'll starve
the shaders and thus underutilize the hardware.

> is just less certain it is "ideal".
>>> the second part of the question is:
>>> assuming one can transition to a purely biology-like model, is this a
>>> good tradeoff?...
>>> if one gets rid of a few of the limitations of computers but gains some
>>> of the limitations of biology, this may not be an ideal solution.
>> Biology had never had the issue to deal with high-performance numerics,
>> I'm sure if it had it wouldn't do too shabbily. You can always go hybrid
>> e.g. if you want to do proofs or cryptography.
> biology also doesn't have software distribution, ability to make  
> backups, ...

Even hybrid analog systems can be converted into a large blob of
binary data and loaded back. The loss of precision due to digitization
is negligible, as the system will be noisy/low precision (<6 bit) to 
start with.

> ideally, a silicon neural-net strategy would also readily allow the  
> installation of new software and creation of backups.

You can always digitize and serialize your data, put it through
a pipe and reinstantialize it in equivalent piece of hardware
on the other end. Consider crystalline computation (Margolus/Toffoli)
http://people.csail.mit.edu/nhm/cc.pdf which maps very well to
3d lattice of sites in future's molecular hardware. If you can 
halt the execution, or clone a static shadow copy of the dynamic
process you can serialize and extract from the faces of the crystal
at leisure.

> the most likely strategy here IMO is to leverage what existing OS's can  
> already do, essentially treating any neural-net processors as another  
> piece of hardware as far as the OS is concerned.

I'm not sure you need an OS. Many aspects of operation can be mapped
to hardware. Consider a 10 GBit/s short reach fiber, the length
of fiber through these keystrokes are passing is an optical FIFO
conveniently containing a standard MTU (1500 Bytes) frame/packet.
Same thing does vacuum to a sufficiently fast line of sight 
laser link. With the right header layout, you can see how you
could make a purely photonic cut-through router or switch, with
zero software. Same thing with operating Toffoli's hypothetical 
computronium crystal, you have stop and go, read and write, and
that's it. I/O could be mapped directly to crystal faces.

> this would probably mean using neural-net processors along-side  
> traditional CPU cores (rather than in place of them).
>>> better would be to try for a strategy where the merits of both can be
>>> gained, and as many limitations as possible can be avoided.
>>> most likely, this would be via a hybrid model.
>> Absolutely. Hybrid at many scales, down to analog computation for neurons.
> yeah.
> analog is an idea I had not personally considered.
> I guess a mystery here is how effectively semiconductor logic (in  
> integrated circuits) can work with analog signals.
> the main alternative is, of course, 8 or 16-bit digital signals.

8 or 16 bit ALUs are ridiculously complicated, power-hungry and slow if compared
with analog computation in transistors or memristor. Of course the
precision is low, particularly if you're working at nanoscale. A few atoms
displaced shift the parameters of the device visibly, but then, you're
engaging a redundant mode of computation anyway. The brain does not just
tolerate noise, some aspects of it are noise-driven.

> I had more imagined as hybrids of neural-nets and traditional software.
> granted, there is always a certain risk that it could mean, in some  
> distant-future setting, people sitting around with Windows running in  
> their heads (say, because they have incorporated processors and silicon  

Security issues alone would be a killer. Consider buffer overruns in
the optical FIFO I mentioned, how do you cause them? You can't, obviously,
since the laws of the unverse instead of limits of human design are
asserting correct operation.

> neural-nets into their otherwise wetware brains, that or parts, or much,  
> or all, of their brain functionality has been migrated into silicon).

Right spintronics in graphenes looks good. No other good candidates for
computronium, apart from self-assembled macromolecular crystals (like
viral capsids, only containing CA cells, designed to link up and connect,
unlike real virus capids, who don't really want to, unless coaxed by

> or such...

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org
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