I've been reading a few more documents, and it seems that the first
step towards having something like Frank at home would be to get hold
of a Moshi Squeak image.

For instance, in "Implementing DBJr with Worlds" we can read:

"Try It Yourself!
The following steps will recreate our demo. (Important: this only works in our
"Moshi" Squeak image. Bring in Worlds2-aw.cs, WWorld-A-tk.1.cs,
Worlds-Morph-A-tk.5.cs, Worlds-DBJr-B-tk.1.cs, then look at file 'LStack WWorld
workspace') These instructions are here so that we won't lose them.
This demo was
difficult to get working."

But the Mythical Moshi image turned out to be surprisingly elusive.

For instance, all I've found in this list is this email message:


"The other research that are based on the Moshi image equally
interesting, but the Moshi image is nowhere to be downloaded so one
can only read the code and papers about it."

Are we getting into military secret land? :D
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