On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 5:46 PM, David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com> wrote:

Where we do give up determinism, it should be explicit and carefully
> considered, and we should have a lot of control over exactly where it leaks
> into our programs.

Hear, hear! And another thing: the mathematics of probability is pretty
mature, relative to all this computation stuff that we're just now figuring
out. Probability is highly applicable to (bounded) nondeterminism, but I
get the impression that most CS theorists don't tend to learn much about
it, and I know for sure that it gets extremely short shrift in the applied
CS curriculum at my school.

Dave Ungar loves being deliberately provocative, but I really don't
understand why he's so attached to the (obviously unscalable) shared memory
imperative programming model... except, perhaps, he thinks that's the only
model the great unwashed masses of industry coders can handle. If so, I
sure hope he's wrong.

But, lets face it, after decades of real-world deployment, Erlang is still
considered an exotic language, and hardly anybody outside the ivory towers
has even heard of Kahn nets, FRP, CALM, etc. These don't get taught in the
undergrad CS curriculum either.

Programmers, like everybody else, only get to choose their problems
inasmuch as they are aware of the choices.

-- Max
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