about people that learned how to assemble a computer at a young age, i remember 
talking with the Sutherland brothers once about their childhood. Ivan explained 
to me that Ed Berkeley gave Sutherland's family a DIY computer called SIMON in 
the 50's. Ivan and Bert were very creative for sure, but they also benefited 
from great ressources in their environment! When will we see STEPS, MARU and 
other foncabulous seeds in schools and DIY magazines ? :]

about Simple Simon & SIMON

ooh, and of course this video about the S's bros is so great! i would like to 
watch one for each one of you guys on this list ^^

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM1bNR4DmhU  .:( Mom Loved Him Best - w/ Alan in 
the audience! ):.


Le 20 avr. 2012 à 03:20, Fernando Cacciola a écrit :

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Alan Kay <alan.n...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Well, part of it is that the 15 year old was exceptional -- his name is
>> Steve Putz, and as with several others of our children programmers -- such
>> as Bruce Horn, who was the originator of the Mac Finder -- became a very
>> good professional.
>> And that Smalltalk (basically Smalltalk-72) was quite approachable for
>> children. We also had quite a few exceptional 12 year old girls who did
>> remarkable applications.
> I was curious, so I googled a bit (impressive how easy it is, these
> days, to find something within a couple of minutes)
> The girls you are most likely talking about would be: Marion Goldeen
> and Susan Hamet, who created a painiting and a OOP-Illustration
> system, respectively.
> I've found some additional details and illustrations here:
> http://www.manovich.net/26-kay-03.pdf
> What is truly remarkable IMO, is Smalltalk (even -72). Because these
> children might have been exceptional, but IIUC is not like they were,
> say, a forth-generation of mathematicians and programmers who learned
> how to assemble a computer at age 3 :)
> Best
> -- 
> Fernando Cacciola
> SciSoft Consulting, Founder
> http://www.scisoft-consulting.com
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