On 7/10/2012 8:53 PM, Daniel Gackle wrote:
I watched the video and got excited too. Petabits of on-chip
non-volatile storage? that also can do logic? That's more than a
game changer.
same here, it seems like an interesting technology.
large+fast non-volatile storage, effective FPGAs, neural-net processors,
... all of this stuff at least sounds promising.
But it seems that HP's memristor claims are controversial within the
research community:
Some of the dispute is about priority, which may not matter so much; I
care less about *whom* I get massive on-chip non-volatile storage from
than that I get it at all. But that too appears to be under dispute
(e.g. "Myth #3" in the second link above).
I would love to hear more from people who know about this.
I think the debate seems to be more who will be selling it and what
technology will be used (or if it will replace current technologies),
rather than whether or not there will be high-speed non-volatile storage.
also, neural net chips would be cool, provided they work well.
but, most likely it will do the usual thing and go with whatever gives a
reasonable amount of capability for the least cost.
but, I am also left sometimes wondering about things like space-travel,
cybernetics, and robotics as well, these also sometimes being fields
seemingly doomed to go nowhere fast (and one can wonder if/when anything
"cool" will ever really happen).
given what all has happened thus-far (as long as I have been alive), it
can give doubts that much notable or interesting will happen, and as
well there is always the risk that in the future things may just fall
apart or begin to backslide (society starts breaking down, and
technology either stagnates or generally becomes worse). (sometimes I
also wonder if 80s era cyberpunk is the future...).
then again, now is now, and all of this is likely the distant future.
or such...
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 12:22 PM, David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com
<mailto:dmbarb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Shawn. Real memristors
could seriously change the programming landscape, and have much
potential for directly embedding dataflow programming models and
neural networks.
I think object dispatch and imperative C programs won't be the
most effective use.
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:23 PM, Shawn Morel <shawnmo...@me.com
<mailto:shawnmo...@me.com>> wrote:
Just watched a very interesting talk on memristors:
I hadn't bothered going into very much detail so far - for
some reason, I thought memristors would end up being primarily
used as memory elements that supplant the traditional sram,
dram, HDD hierarchy. That on its own is kind of cool and would
probably help shift us away from files and more towards
long-lived objects.
The talk, however, describes ways that memristors can be
organized to be an arbitrary combination of switching, memory,
logic or even analog emulations of synaptic behaviour. The
talk touches briefly on compiling from C down to logic gates
(Russell's material implication). Some key aspects is that, as
opposed to FPGAs the "reprogramming" can take place in a very
short time and they addressing capabilities of a HW
associative memory are quite large.
For example, it could take a few nanoseconds to create HW
N-way associative lookup - that's to say, I could on the fly
configure a piece of HW to actually represent object message
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