Hi Josh, good to hear from you again. Hope Google is treating you well :)

"The Disruptor" looks to me like it could be an interesting approach
to optimizing inter-thread communication. Their technical paper is
very readable. For their problem domain, it makes a lot of sense.

Regarding the Nile C runtime, inter-thread communication is currently
not a bottleneck. So even if you created a C-based disruptor for Nile,
or generated Java code from Nile (in order to use theirs, which is
Java-based), I'm pretty sure you wouldn't see a performance

The Nile runtime currently does several things to keep inter-thread
communication/contention down. It uses queues of fixed-sized buffers
for batched stream data.  Once a Nile process gets a hold of a buffer
for reading/writing, it has exclusive access to it, so no
synchronization is needed during reading/writing. Once the process is
done with the buffer, then it might contend with another when queueing
the buffer, but this is unlikely. Queuing is a relatively infrequent
occurrence (compared to computation and stream data read/writing),
plus the queues are kept on a per-process basis (there are many more
Nile processes than OS-level threads running) which scales well.

On top of that, the buffers (and other managed memory objects) are
laid out carefully to avoid false sharing (of cache lines).

The runtime also is designed to minimize L1 cache misses, more on that
if there is interest.

I apologize that as usual with my stuff, none of the Nile C runtime is
documented (and there aren't even program comments). But, I'm
currently writing all this up for my dissertation, which will be
available in case these details are of interest to anyone.


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Josh Gargus <j...@schwa.ca> wrote:
> I hope this may be of general interest, but I'm personally interested on
> Dan's thoughts on whether Disruptors might be a suitable "compilation
> target" for Nile.  My intuition is that it may be the right way for Nile to
> run efficiently on commonly available multicore processors (i.e. by
> minimizing branch-misprediction and memory contention, and optimizing cache
> behavior).
> I'm referring to:
> http://code.google.com/p/disruptor/
> Google will turn up plenty more references, but the StackOverflow topic is
> worthwhile:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6559308/how-does-lmaxs-disruptor-pattern-work
> One limitation that I saw was it appears to work only for simple linear
> dataflows:, each pipeline stage consumes and produces a single value.  This
> is a consequence of each entry in the ring-buffer having a fixed size (each
> entry is a data structure containing the "scratch space" necessary to record
> the input/output of each dataflow stage.
> This seems to be a serious limitation, since Nile allows you to easily
> express dataflows with more complicated topologies.  For example, to draw a
> filled shape bounded by a sequence of bezier curves, you might write a Nile
> program that recursively splits curves until they are "small enough" or
> "straight enough" to be approximated by linear segments, and then to
> rasterize these to produce pixels to be shaded by downstream Nile elements.
> The problem is that you don't know how many outputs will be produced by each
> pipeline stage.
> A solution that occurred to me this morning is to use multiple ring buffers.
> Linear subgraphs of the dataflow (i.e. chained sequences of
> one-input-to-one-output elements) can fit into a single ring buffer, but
> elements that produce a varying number of outputs would output to a
> different ring buffer (or multiple ring buffers if it can produce multiple
> types of output).  This would be extremely cumbersome to program manually,
> but not if you compile down to it from Nile.
> I don't understand the Nile C runtime very well, so it's possible that it's
> already doing something analogous to this (or even smarter).
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Josh
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