
I would very much like to read source code more often, as I suspect would many 
others, but I think the problem lies in the fact that few coders or publishers 
seem to think that code is worth studying.  I know that sounds outrageous but 
the simple fact is that there are many intellectual artefacts as difficult as 
source code that are published and read avidly - e.g., scientific articles, 
mathematical proofs, philosophical essays, musicological analysis, poetry, etc. 
in these fields publication is considered essential to the culture and energy 
and creativity is found to typeset and edit these artefacts. In programming, 
the written analysis of programme design only ever seems to happen in computer 
science textbooks, such as SICP, etc.

I am often curious enough to look at the source code of some library, but are 
usually discouraged by the lack of organisation in the presentation. Object 
oriented code is particularly hard to get a handle on, compared to structured 
programme examples in textbooks, as there an awful lot of boilerplate that 
obscures the architecture. Technical documentation seems to be the only way to 
get a mental map but it is often a dry overview that fails to capture the 
thought process that went into the design. Sometimes I'm lead to the melancholy 
conclusion that programme analysis -- I mean analysis in the sense of a 
critical analysis of poetry (like William Empson's) or of art (like John Ruskin 
or Kenneth Clark) -- isn't done because the programmer and the community thinks 
of the code artefacts as obscolescent -- i.e., it will be out of date soon, so 
why bother. Why else no serious critical activity devoted to such a serious 
mental activity? Where are the software critics?


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On 02/12/2012, at 11:41 AM, Benoît Fleury <> wrote:

> "Although programming is a discipline with a very large canon of
> existing work to draw from, the only code most programmers read is the
> code they maintain."
> This topic came up a few times on this mailing list so I thought I
> would share this talk I found interesting.
> - Benoit
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