If we're just naming values, I'd like to avoid the complexity and just
share the value directly. Rather than having "foo" function vs. "bar"
function, we'll just have a block of anonymous code. If we have a large
sound file that gets a lot of references, perhaps in that case explicitly
using a content-distribution and caching model would be appropriate, though
it might be better to borrow from Tahoe-LAFS for security reasons.

For identity, I prefer to formally treat uniqueness as a semantic feature,
not a syntactic one. Uniqueness can be formalized using substructural
types, i.e. we need an uncopyable (affine typed) source of unique values.
 I envision a uniqueness source is used for:

1) creating unique sealer/unsealer pairs.
2) creating initially 'exclusive' bindings to external state.
3) creating GUID-like values that afford equality testing.

In a sense, this is three different responsibilities for identity. Each
involves different types. It seems what you're calling 'identity'
corresponds to item 2.

If I assume those responsibilities are handled, and also elimination of
local variable or parameter names because of tacit programming, the
remaining uses of 'names' I'm likely to encounter are:

* names for dynamic scope, config, or implicit params
* names for associative lookup in shared spaces
* names as human short-hand for values or actions

It is this last item that I think most directly corresponds to what Sean
and Matt call names, though there might also be a bit of 'independent
maintenance' (external state via the programming environment) mixed in.
Regarding shorthand, I'm quite interested in alternative designs, such as
binding human names to values based on pattern-matching (so when you write
'foo' I might read 'bar'), but Sean's against this due to out-of-band
communication concerns. To address those concerns, use of an extended
dictionary that tracks different origins for words seems reasonable.

Regarding your 'foo' vs. 'bar' equivalence argument, I believe hashing is
not associative. Ultimately, `foo bar baz` might have the same
expansion-to-bytecode as `nitwit blubber oddment tweak` due to different
factorings, but I think it will have a different hash, unless you
completely expand and rebuild the 'deep' hashes each time. Of course, we
might want to do that anyway, i.e. for optimization across words.

> If I were to enter 3 characters a second into a computer for 40 years,
> assuming a byte per character, I'd have generated ~3.8 GiB of information,
> which would fit in memory on my laptop. I'd say that user input at least is
> well worth saving.

Huh, I think you underestimate how much data you generate, and how much
that will grow with different input devices. Entering characters in a
keyboard is minor compared to the info-dump caused by a LEAP motion. The
mouse is cheap when it's sitting still, but can model spatial-temporal
patterns. If you add information from your cell-phone - you've got GPS,
accelerometers, temperatures, touch, voice. If you get some AR setup,
you'll have six-axis motion for your head, GPS, voice, and gestures. It
adds up. But it's still small compared to what devices can input if we kept
a stream of microphone input or camera visual data.

I think any history will inevitably be lossy. But I agree that it would be
convenient to keep high-fidelity data available for a while, and preferably
extract the most interesting operations.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Sam Putman <atmanis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, since we're talking about a concatenative bytecode, I'll try to
> speak Forthfully.
> Normally when we define a word in a stack language we make up an ASCII
> symbol and say "this symbol refers to all these other symbols, in this
> definite order". Well and good, with two potential problems: we have to
> make up a symbol, and that symbol might conflict with someone else's
> symbol.
> Name clashes is an obvious problem. The fact that we must make up a symbol
> is less obviously a problem, except that the vast majority of our referents
> should be generated by a computer. A computer generated symbol may as well
> be a hash function, at which point, a user-generated symbol may as well be
> a hash also, in a special case where the data hashed includes an ASCII
> handle for user convenience.
> This is fine for immutable values, but for identities (referents to a
> series of immutable values, essentially), we need slightly more than this:
> a master hash, taken from the first value the identity refers to, the time
> of creation, and perhaps other useful information. This master hash then
> points to the various values the identity refers to, as they change.
> There are a few things that are nice about this approach, all of which
> derive from the fact that identical values have identical names and that
> relatively complex relationships between identifies and values may be
> established and modified programmatically.
> As an example, if I define a "foo" function which is identical to someone
> else's "bar" function, they should have the same "name" (hash) despite
> having different handles. With a little work, we should be able to retrieve
> all the contexts where a value appears, as well as all the handles and
> other metadata associated with that value in those contexts.
> [continued to second e-mail]

> What we gain relative to URLs is that a hash is not arbitrary. If two
> programs are examining the same piece of data, say a sound file, it would
> be nice if they came to the same, independant conclusion as to what to call
> it.
> Saving total state at all times is not necessary, but there are times when
> it may be convenient. If I were to enter 3 characters a second into a
> computer for 40 years, assuming a byte per character, I'd have generated
> ~3.8 GiB of information, which would fit in memory on my laptop. I'd say
> that user input at least is well worth saving.
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