Dear Ian,

having exhausted my sources of procrastination in Common Lisp,
I'm now just starting to look at maru seriously.

Is there a mailing list specifically about technical details of maru,
or is FoNC the thing?

Stupid questions:

* I see the gc reserves 8 bits for flags, but uses only 3. Is that a
typo? Is that done with the intent of addressing that byte directly?
On the other hand, given the opportunity for 5 extra bits, I'd gladly
grab one for a one-bit reference count (i.e. is the object linear so
far or not), and another one for a can-we-duplicate capability,
if/when implementing a linear lisp on top of it.

* The source could use comments and documentation. Would you merge in
patches that provide some?

* Speaking of documentation, could you produce an initial README, with
a roadmap of which files are which and depend on which, and how to run
the various tests, etc.? Maybe separating things in subdirectories
could help. Or not. Many Makefile targets are obsolete. A working
test-suite could help.

* Is the idea that everyone should be doing/forking his own,
CipherSaber style, or is there an intent to share and build common

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
If it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing well — Donald Hebb
If it's not worth doing right, it's not worth doing. — Scott McKay
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