A fun, but maybe idealistic idea: an "application" of a computer should just be 
what one decides to do with it at the time.

I've been wondering how I might best switch between "tasks" (or really things 
that aren't tasks too, like toys and documentaries and symphonies) in a world 
that does away with most of the application level modality that we got with the 
first Mac. 

The dominant way of doing this with apps usually looks like either the OS X 
dock or the Windows 95 taskbar. But if I wanted less shrink wrap and more 
interoperability between the virtual things I'm interacting with on a computer, 
without forcing me to "multitask" (read: do more than one thing at once very 
badly,) what's my best possible interaction language look like?

I would love to know if these tools came from some interesting research once 
upon a time. I'd be grateful for any references that can be shared. I'm also 
interested in hearing any wild ideas that folks might have, or great ideas that 
fell by the wayside way back when. 

Out of curiosity, how does one change one's "mood" when interacting with Frank?

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