On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Aaron Burrow <burrows.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> a few remarks on the semantics of quasiquoting,
> [...]
> High level design intent of maru's quasiquote would also be interesting.

My guess would be that maru's quasiquote is somewhat buggy. Quasiquote
is really difficult to implement right. I tried once, and failed to
optimize the expansion in a way that handles ,@,@ then eventually fell
back to closely following the reference implementation

Also note that the semantics of quasiquote is underspecified in Common
Lisp, as to how it interacts with the special syntaxes of various
other data structure constructors (e.g. what is `#3(1 ,@'(2 3)) ? If
you have other builtin or user-defined structure constructor syntaxes,
how does it interact with quasiquoting?). I am not sure how Scheme or
Clojure resolve the issue... probably not in a well-designed way.
That's an area where indeed maru could improve on CL, by e.g.
specifying a meta-quasiquote protocol for how quoting interacts with
user-defined syntax.

If you're interested, there's experimentation and design to do, and
probably a paper to publish.

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