On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Keith Packard wrote:

> Around 16 o'clock on Nov 17, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:

> > Unicode truetype Japanese fonts.  I found that XftDrawString*() cannot
> > display characters if these fonts are used in XFT_PIXEL_SIZEs of
> > 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, and 21.  Curiously enough, the
> > Kochi fonts include built-in bitmap fonts for these sizes.  I imagine

> Sorry, it's an easy bug to fix (once I had a font with bitmaps to try it
> out).  It doesn't make Xft use the embedded bitmaps, but at least it
> displays the glyphs now.  I've already committed this fix to CVS so it
> will be in XFree86 4.2.  I'll make the new Xft library use embedded
> bitmaps when not rendering with anti-aliasing.

  That'll be very handy. Many East Asian TT fonts come with built-in
bitmaps at up to 24pixel size and usually hand-tuned bitmaps are better
looking than outline fonts rendered with anti-aliasing at its full

  About a month ago (October 19th), a similar question was raised by
KIM Jaewoo @font list, but hasn't been answered. For him and others
on font list(although many are monitoring both i18n and fonts lists),
I'm relaying this to fonts list.

JK> When I try to use them in KDE2 with AA support, they are
JK> not well rendered as I expected.
JK> One problem I've found is these TTC fonts are not
JK> rendered (invisible) for some range of points (size). For
JK> BATANG.TTC, the invisible range of points is [9, 24].
JK> Is this a bug? I suspect these TTC have some non-common
JK> featutes which are undetectable by current X-rendering
JK> extension engine. I heard some TTC fonts have internal
JK> built-in BITMAP fonts for specific range of size.

  Jungshik Shin

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