
It seems that I've hit a problem with the X Font Server and Kword.

I have a large number of TrueType fonts installed on my system (just over 

Under KWord the font selection drop down box gives a preview of every font. 
Whenver I scroll quickly up and down the list, xfs crashes! (And 
subsequently, KWord, too). 

I'm running X 4.1.0-4 and xfs 4.1.0-4.  I'm surprised that I'm hitting this 
problem, since if I reduce the number of fonts available then the problem 
disappears - but surely a specialised font server should be able to handle 
1000 fonts?

Also, does the XFt anti-aliasing extension support caching yet? If I switch 
anti-aliasing on under KDE, the font listings goes a bit screwy (everything 
after fonts starting with 'c' preview, incorrectly, with the same font) and 
applications take an unacceptable time to load. The last time I read about 
the AA extension, apparently it would re-parse all the fonts every time an 
application requested them (i.e. every time you start up a typical 
application). It's such a shame, since with AA everything looks _so_ nice...

My machine is a 1Ghz Athlon with 1GB of RAM.

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