"Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Executing the following:
> xfontsel -pattern "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-160-*-*-*-*-*-*"
> Will cause the X server to crash with SEGV.  It occurs on Voodoo 
> 3, r128, and other hardware also, but not on Radeon.  Only occurs 
> with 4.x servers, 3.3.6 server runs ok.

So, the X server is crashing not xfs?

> Lack of specifying the encoding is almost certainly part of the 
> problem.  The only matching fonts seem to be ISO-8859-15.  I know 
> the server defaults to 8859-1 when encodings aren't specified, so 
> perhaps whatever logic does this is flawed.

The default font, I believe, is just the first font when you
list all matching fonts and sort them. The sorting algorithm
used now is chosen to sort iso8859-1 first in typical cases, but 
makes no explicit reference to any encoding.

I would expect, in any case, that if it was a problem with encoding
handling, the crash would occur in xfs, not in the X server,
and it wouldn't be dependent on the hardware.

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