Dear all,

As some of you may know, the new FreeType backend registers itself for
Type 1 fonts.  This means that it cannot be loaded together with the
current Type 1 backend.

Unfortunately, the FreeType backend does not yet support CIDFonts.
This means that with the new FreeType backend, you will lose support
for CIDFonts as currently provided by the Type 1 backend.

I can see four ways out:

1. simply document the fact that if you need CIDFonts, you should use
   the Type 1 backend together with X-TT;

2. build a special version of the Type 1 backend that only handles

3. build a special version of the FreeType backend that only handles
   TrueType and OpenType/CFF fonts;

4. ask on this list whether somebody has a smarter idea.

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