Around 10 o'clock on May 30, Keith Packard wrote:

> I think I'll convert the branches to a packed representation and take the 
> performance hit when searching.  That should reduce memory usage for
> the branches from 664320 to 32403 bytes.  I'll take the performance hit 
> for the 630K savings; the reduction in cache misses should more than 
> compensate.

I've converted from btrees to a packed list of pages for each charset; 
this has the advantage of dramatically simplifying the code to implement 
the various algorithms as well as avoiding the previous situation where a 
large amount of code couldn't be easily tested because I have no fonts 
with codepoints outside the BMP.  Now such fonts are treated with 
the same datastructures, albiet with a possible performance impact.  If 
such fonts become common, I can revisit this and change the datastructures 
yet again.  

This new datastructure cannot support fonts with glyphs outside the 24-bit
Unicode range, although changing that would be very easy.

The changes have reduced memory to a much more modest level.  With my 4803
font test case, I have the following usage:

                     total  total mem   unique  unique mem

        Leaves:      46572   1490304     1705    54560
        Charsets:     4803     96060      526    10520
        Tables:      46572    279432     6078    36468

        Total:               1865796            101548          18x

The 'charsets' structures themselves are now shared, the 'tables' entry 
here corresponds to the former 'branch' structure; these are simply two
parallel arrays, one with 16-bit Unicode page numbers and the other with
pointers to the underlying leaves.  Searching these is done with a binary 
search; slower than the former direct indexing, but the memory savings 
seem worth the effort.  Even with the more modest set of 383 fonts,
the savings are quite good:

                     total  total mem  unique  unique mem
        Leaves:       4962   158784      793    25376
        Charsets:      383     7660       81     1620
        Tables:       4962    29772     1917    11502
        Total:               196216             38498           5x              
This shows sub-linear growth in memory vs the number of fonts; I need to 
try even larger sets to get a better sense of the actual function here.

Performance for Owen's test case of generating a packed list of faces for
the 'sans-serif' pattern has improved about 20% because this packed
representation is significantly better suited to that operation, and
probably because we're touching a lot less memory -- the former data
structures were spread across 600KB of memory, now we're touching only
40KB.  On my 1133 MHz Athlon, with my 383 font sample, it takes about 3.8ms
per sort operation.  With 4803 fonts, it takes about 42ms.

These changes have no effect on the ABI of the library; all of these 
datastructures are opaque to applications.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        HP Cambridge Research Lab

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