>What is Amaya doing about languages needing shapers
>like Thai? 

We're not yet so far...European languages (Polish, Russian, Greek), Hebrew, Yiddish is 
working, we're now integrating japanese.The big developpment done was our integration 
of  "Bidi" edition / 
browsing mechanism.

>Amaya might be another customer for an integrated
>Freetype, fontconfig, pango.

We're already using Freetype 2 a rasterizer and Xft as a font selection mechanism that 
returns us filename and filepath.

>Is Amaya using texture mapping with OpenGL for
>anti-aliased fonts? 

FreeType 2 delivers a 256 level of gray  bitmap of each character. We use the gray 
value as an opacity value  associated to each pixel of that bitmap, and we get 
anti-aliasing.As the cost of 
transferring data is more important than the cost of building large bitmaps, we 
decided in our implementation to compose a bitmap word by word. This bitmap is then 
colored and displayed on the 
screen. As we needed  to be fast on hardware and software OpenGL implementations (as 
Mesa), we use bitmap drawings (gldrawpixels), as texture mapping in software is just 
too slow.

>Using the Freetype cache or
>something else?

We cache in our application only glyph used using our mechanism. (Transformation done 
on bitmap to invert it for opengl display cost too much to use the freetype caching 
(As it's fast enough we do not cache char index conversion and call FT_Get_Char_Index 
each time)

> MahtML 

We used to compose MathML with symbol fonts, and specific drawing routines (radix, big 
parenthesis..) But I'm implementing a new code using of STIX fonts, as we can 
distribute them freely with 
Amaya. Each STIX has a specific charmap, unknow for all software (freetype, Xft). 
That's because as you can have the same character three times. The integral for 
one-line equation isn't the 
same that the one for three line equation. (Kformula  
(http://www.koffice.org/kformula/) and GtkMath 
(http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/mml-widget/gtkmathview.html) use STIX fonts for correct 
render) http://www.ams.org/STIX/ and ftp://ftp.elsevier.nl/pub/styles/esstix/esstix.zip
Amaya will be loading them by their filename, using a specific list in memory that 
permits to rely on 
<size, Unicode code, Character name, MathML Stix char code, Stix font, Amaya code.>
(And I have to finish it before the MathML conference at the end of the month...)

What are your plans using Opengl  fonts ?


ps : You might be intersted by a C++ lib, FTGL (vector, texture, bitmap fonts with 
OpenGL) at http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/henryj/code/#FTGL 

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