On Sun, 16 Jun 2002, Anthony Paras wrote:

>I have a redhat 7.2 system at a colocation facility that I only access
>remotely, and I'm trying to setup a minimal Xserver on it, so that I can run
>programs remotely using ssh-X from my Mac OSX box at home.

If you're only running apps remotely via ssh -X, you don't really
need the Xserver.

>I installed just the libs and the main Xfree86 package, and it works great.
>The only problem is that larger fonts don't render very nicely.

If you're running X clients remotely via ssh, then the fonts on 
the remote box aren't being used unless you're using client side 
fonts with Xft

Can you provide more specific details as to how your whole 
configuration is set up?

>The question is, what the minimum I should install so that the fonts look
>better when I'm using it remotely.  It's a bit confusing -- do I need to
>have a font server running?  Should I only install TrueType?  Thanks in

It really depends on how you've got everything set up on both
ends and are accessing it.  If you're running OSX and running a 
local X server in OSX, and ssh -X'ing to the RHL box, then you 
might want to check your local X server's font configuration.

The remote server's font configuration shouldn't matter except 
for Xft, however antialiased fonts in Qt applications is disabled 
by default so that shouldn't matter.  Again, no X server is 
necessary on the remote RHL box.

Mike A. Harris                  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer              Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.
http://www.redhat.com           ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris

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