Hello James,

  JAC> Seriously however, my point is that they don't take
     > up *that* much room (particularly when compressed)...

My concern is not disk space.  I have no objection to having
the alternative fonts in a tarball somewhere in case I need
them - my objective is a complete, correct configuration of
the workstations.

  JAC> ...Linux distributions come on *three* bloody CDs...

Hearing that makes me glad I don't use Linux, although I
suspect that there are more slender distributions.

  JAC> Uh, it ought to be in /usr/X11R6/bin or somewhere
     > similar.  If not then try just 'X' instead.

Ah, X helped...

    XFree86 Version 3.3.6a / X Window System
    (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
    Release Date: November 30 2000

  JAC> Traditionally, yes the IBM PC compatible platform
     > didn't have a way of communicating from monitor to
     > video card and graphics app.  A modern PC-compatible
     > SVGAish monitor however supports DDC, which allows
     > the monitor to communicate details like that.  DDC
     > has been around for some while now, so it's likely
     > that your monitor supports it unless your monitor is
     > older than about five years or so.

DDC is not something that I'd heard of before (I've just
developed a habit of forcing things into the appropriate
mode on the PC).  I'll have to dig up some docs on that,
thanks for the info.

  JAC> XFree86 4.x writes out a
     > /var/log/XFree86.$DISPLAY.log that will give you
     > interesting information such as what your monitor
     > returned for DDC info, as given in my example above.

I couldn't find that on this machine, but I'm using a laptop
at the moment.  It may also be a Linux thing.

Thinking about it, if X allows you to set an arbitrary
resolution (whether by choice or because your monitor tells
X that it can do 101 DPI), is it safe to assume that X will
correctly scale vector fonts accordingly?  I happen to like
bitmapped fonts (yes, I'm an old fart), but can X function
happily without them?

  - Andy Ball.
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